
Birddog Exercise


https://youtu.be/j6CpLsZEZik WE'RE HERE TO HELP ARC Health & Wellness offers patients in Toronto exceptional care with a personalized treatment plan to suit your specific needs. If you are suffering from pain or have recently experienced an injury, our Toronto Chiropractor will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy and love. Call us at [...]

Birddog Exercise2020-08-06T11:39:59+00:00

Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercise


https://youtu.be/0enr6eROU-s WE'RE HERE TO HELP ARC Health & Wellness offers patients in Toronto exceptional care with a personalized treatment plan to suit your specific needs. If you are suffering from pain or have recently experienced an injury, our Toronto Chiropractor will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy and love. Call us at [...]

Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercise2020-08-05T16:24:19+00:00

Guidelines for Returning for Treatment With Your Chiropractor


As we prepare for resumption of in office service, here is a patient's guide to the new health directives and how you can help to maximize your health and safety during your visit. Thank you to the College of Chiropractors of Ontario for this helpful infographic.  For more information visit the College website here. WE'RE [...]

Guidelines for Returning for Treatment With Your Chiropractor2020-08-06T11:43:23+00:00

The Home Office Worker’s Guide to Tailbone Pain


Are you sitting in your home office all day?  Your chair might not be as “ergonomic” as your office chair, you might not be sitting in a chair suited for you, or you might not be sitting in an office chair at all. Sitting for too long, especially in a maladjusted chair can put your [...]

The Home Office Worker’s Guide to Tailbone Pain2020-08-06T11:41:28+00:00

Sciatica when Working from Home


Sciatica for the home office worker   That unbearable pain in your low back and your leg is more than a distraction. In fact, it’s affecting your work productivity, not to mention your personal life. It’s called sciatica, and one of its causes is sitting for long periods of time, like so many who work from [...]

Sciatica when Working from Home2020-05-16T12:40:03+00:00

Work from Home Breaks


Sometimes, the difference between a productive day and time wasted can come down to how you use your breaks. Wasting time on social media while at your desk doesn’t cut it as a break, especially when you are working from home.  It’s easy to get caught at your desk for the entire day without moving, [...]

Work from Home Breaks2020-08-06T11:45:00+00:00

Balance Exercise Routine


Balance is how we all juggle work, stress, family etc, etc, etc.  But balance is an overlooked component of exercise.  Spending a bit of time on balance can help to prevent falls, improve your posture and coordination. Focusing on balance exercises can help you twofold.  First, controlling you wobble can activate your core muscles and [...]

Balance Exercise Routine2020-04-23T02:09:37+00:00

What does your Rotator cuff say about you?


Shoulder external rotation is controlled primarily by the rotator cuff.  Your rotator cuff is made of many muscles that attach to and protect your shoulder.  They give your shoulder power and stability.  Rotator cuff injuries often happen because of overuse and movement that can be improved.Whether you have a post-surgical shoulder, have limited range of [...]

What does your Rotator cuff say about you?2020-05-09T13:06:26+00:00

Gluteal Bridge Corrections


Gluteal Bridge Corrections So you’re pumping out glute bridges to help prevent back pain and bam! You get a twinge in your low back. But how could this be? Just because you complete an exercise doesn’t mean that it’s being done properly. Intent is everything! Such a simple movement such as the gluteal bridge can [...]

Gluteal Bridge Corrections2020-04-18T12:29:09+00:00

Adductor Rockback Exercise


How to Treat your Adductor Muscles To all you hockey players out there, how often have you seen an NHL star out with a groin injury.  This is especially common in goalies.  I have not only seen it in the pro leagues, but more often in recreational hockey players. Hockey and ice skating test and [...]

Adductor Rockback Exercise2020-04-22T02:28:53+00:00