Your first visit typically lasts one hour. During this time your North York Chiropractor will conduct a history, including a focused history or your primary complaint and a general health history. The history is followed by a thorough physical examination consisting of postural examination, range of motion, neurological examination, orthopaedic testing in order to arrive at a diagnosis. Once your chiropractor or physiotherapist has confirmed a diagnosis they will complete a report of the findings and communicated to you . This is an open discussion between the chiropractor or physiotherapist and you regarding the diagnosis, treatment options, risks, benefits and goals. Treatment begins on the initial visit following the report of findings.

Subsequent visits typically last 30-40 minutes depending on the conditions. During this time your chiropractor or physiotherapist will provide a focused assessment to monitor progress followed by treatment based on the discussed plan.

If you would like to get a head start you can fill out your intake form here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will exercises be recommended for me?

Along with your Treatment Plan, your chiropractor or physiotherapist will recommend alternatives to care, exercises and changes to your present lifestyle during your Report of Findings

How long will I need care?

The length of time you are under chiropractic care varies among individuals. After your chiropractor or physiotherapist completes your physical assessment, your diagnosis and Treatment Plan will be recommended to you in your Report of Findings.

Will I need X-rays?

X-rays are not needed for every patient and are requested on an individual basis. In the case where they are necessary, X-rays can help confirm a chiropractor or physiotherapist’s diagnosis and can also rule out possible fractures.

Do I require a referral from my Medical Doctor?

No, you do not need a referral to see a chiropractor or physiotherapist.

Will my health insurance cover treatment?

We are not an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) physiotherapy clinic.  The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) does not currently cover chiropractic care, however most third party payers offer coverage. Patients may also be covered under the Workers compensation Board if they have been injured at work or through their automobile insurance if they were involved in a motor vehicle accident.

How do I know what therapies are best for my condition?

Prior to discussing treatment options, patients will undergo a clinical history and physical examination. your chiropractor or physiotherapist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and will offer advice with regard to your specific condition and therapies that may best suit you, including options outside of our facilities.

Helpful Resources

Having a musculoskeletal or neurological condition and requiring treatment can be overwhelming at times. Here is a useful resource to help you navigate the wealth of information that you may be looking for.  Click on the image to activate our interactive body map with all the information that you need to know regarding a variety of conditions.

North York Chiropractor body map

Health plans

We offer direct billing to patients with various Health Insurance plans. These include:

If you are unsure of your coverage contact us and we will be happy to assist you.