1. Shoulder external rotation is controlled primarily by the rotator cuff.  Your rotator cuff is made of many muscles that attach to and protect your shoulder.  They give your shoulder power and stability.  Rotator cuff injuries often happen because of overuse and movement that can be improved.Whether you have a post-surgical shoulder, have limited range of motion or simply want work on your shoulder strength, working on external rotation is a key component of this.  You don’t want to focus solely on strength, rather that quality of movement. One of the best things that you can do for your shoulder is some good quality exercise. 1Your shoulder moves in almost any direction.  Because it’s such a mobile joint, stability and proper control is needed to promote good movement.  You don’t need much equipment to do this, just a little awareness and motivation.

    External rotation exercise is a great way to target the rotate cuff.  The primary goal is to increase shoddier stability, however if done correctly it can also serve to re-educate the shoulder on what should be moving when. This drill in particular is designed to work on awareness and stability, not to add as much weight as you can to it.  You don’t want to struggle through it with bad form.

    Start this drill by lying on your stomach.  Tightens your core and glutes.  Now, the shoulder begins from he mid back and shoulder blade.  So make sure that your shoulder blade is glutes to your ribs.  Now that you are in position, rotate your arm up.  Imaging rotating your shoulder joint without letting the ball of your shoulder joint slide down.  This is where the stability comes into play.  You want to have the awareness to keep your shoulder stable as you go through this movement.  If you are having trouble with this, roll up a towel and place it under the front of your shoulder.  If your shoulder is dropping, you will feel it pressing into the towel.

    This exercise is more about control and stability.  You don’t need to add significant weight to it.  If you feel the need to add some resistance, no more than 5 lbs is necessary.


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    1. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016 Jun 10;(6):CD012224