
The Most Ignored Joint And How To Assess It


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piLrJpKD3R0 The ankle may be the most ignored joint in terms of athletic performance and overall function, however the foot is our only contact point with the ground. In most sports and day to day life, large amounts of ground reaction force is required, making the ankles importance obvious. Structurally speaking the foot is also [...]

The Most Ignored Joint And How To Assess It2017-12-12T13:40:54+00:00

The Top 4 Back Stretches When You Can’t Get Out Of Your Seat


For those traveling over the summer or anyone working long hours at the office, maintaining spinal mobility and good posture is essential in maintaining a healthy back and warding off back pain. If getting up to move around is not an option, here are some simple and effective stretches to keep maintain your spinal mobility. [...]

The Top 4 Back Stretches When You Can’t Get Out Of Your Seat2017-12-11T02:17:01+00:00

The Top 3 Shoulder Tests For Golfers


Shoulder pain accounts for 8-18% of golf related injuries, and is the third most common area of injury following the back and wrist. During most activities, the body tends to seek the path of least resistance, or move in the easiest way possible. While this may make the movement easier in the moment, it doesn’t [...]

The Top 3 Shoulder Tests For Golfers2017-12-11T02:10:23+00:00

Vitamin D – The Most Important Vitamin That The Sun Provides


Vitamin D is critical. You may have heard of its use to prevent Rickets, and to prevent bone loss, bone pain and other bone disorders. It also plays an integral part in regulating minerals such as calcium and phospherous in the body, psoriasis, obesity, fall prevention and muscle weakness. It has also been linked to [...]

Vitamin D – The Most Important Vitamin That The Sun Provides2017-12-11T02:08:20+00:00

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Low Back Disc Injuries


The intervertebral disc is a cartilaginous structure that lies between each vertebrae in the spine. Its role is to allow movement of the spine, and is crucial in shock absorption. The discs distribute hydraulic pressure when compression applied to them such as with heavy lifting or when running. Compared to the discs in the midback [...]

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Low Back Disc Injuries2017-12-11T02:04:51+00:00

A Powerful Balancing Act: Top 3 Exercises To Increase Balance, Mobility And Strength In Your Ankles


Balance and coordination of the feet is an important part of any activity. It is the precursor for power and consistency. A key part is ankle mobility and having a strong stable foot. The recent trend to wear comfort or more minimalist shoes has changed people from wearing more traditionally rigid shoes. Comfort shoes feel [...]

A Powerful Balancing Act: Top 3 Exercises To Increase Balance, Mobility And Strength In Your Ankles2017-12-11T01:53:24+00:00

FIFA 11+ – What Is It?


The FIFA 11+ program was developed in 2003 by FIFA’s Medical Assessment and Research Centre. It has been implemented in several European countries, where it has been shown to significantly reduce injuries among soccer players aged 14 and over. It has been proven to reduce knee and ankle injuries by up to 43% over the [...]

FIFA 11+ – What Is It?2017-12-11T01:44:21+00:00

Understanding Osteoarthritis


The Osteoarthritis Society of Canada predicts that within the next generation one person will be diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) every 60 seconds. OA is a painful condition caused by a gradual loss of cartilage and inflammation in the joint. There are over 100 types of arthritis and OA is the most common. 1 in 10 [...]

Understanding Osteoarthritis2017-12-11T01:42:03+00:00

Patients Guide To Low Back Pain


Low back pain is one of the most common disorders in North America. About 80% of people suffer from low back pain at least once in their lifetime. There are a number of things that increase your risk of developing low back pain. These include smoking, obesity, older age, female gender, physically strenuous work, sedentary [...]

Patients Guide To Low Back Pain2017-12-11T01:27:25+00:00