
How Slippery Are Your Winter Boots?


Canadian winters can be harsh! Before you step outside in the cold take a look at what’s on your feet. Although they may look good, your winter boots might not stand up to the icy conditions outside. A group of researchers at Toronto’s University Health Network have developed a new and innovative way to test [...]

How Slippery Are Your Winter Boots?2017-12-12T13:26:23+00:00

Ankle Sprains And The RICE Method


If you have ever sprained your ankle, you would have almost certainly heard of the RICE protocol; Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate. This practice has been in place since “The Sports Medicine Book” was published in 1978, and has been used ever since. More recently, this standard has been questioned, and whether some of its [...]

Ankle Sprains And The RICE Method2017-12-12T04:01:47+00:00

Low Back Pain During Pregnancy


Low back pain during pregnancy is a problem that affects many women. As many as 75% of pregnant women experience back pain. It is the result of a variety of changes, including weight gain, postural and hormone changes as well as stress. A structured exercises program can decrease low back pain during pregnancy. More specifically, [...]

Low Back Pain During Pregnancy2017-12-12T03:58:52+00:00

The Importance Of Intrinsic Muscles


We’ve talked about the feet being the first place to check when assessing dysfunction. The foot arches are the key structures in the foot that maintain strength. If the small muscles in the foot can’t maintain the integrity of your arches, the foot becomes weak, creating a weak base of support for the rest of [...]

The Importance Of Intrinsic Muscles2017-12-12T03:56:07+00:00

How Does Scoliosis Influence Balance?


Balance is created through 4 main mechanisms in the body. -Proprioception of the muscles: The length of muscles helps your brain understand where a body part is in space. For example the length of your biceps and triceps together helps to tell if you elbow is flexed or extended based on the length of the [...]

How Does Scoliosis Influence Balance?2017-12-12T03:43:36+00:00

Do High Heels Cause Low Back Pain?


The ever popular high heels shoe has been in fashion for decades. Women wear then for a variety of reasons. There is a belief that these fashion must haves cause low back pain but what do they actually do to the body? One of the cosmetic features of high heels it they highlight a woman’s [...]

Do High Heels Cause Low Back Pain?2017-12-12T03:31:49+00:00

What Does Your Packaged Food Really Say


So you’re in the grocery store comparing two packages of cookies. One is the regular variety that you have bought for years, and the other is almost identical, however it’s labels “light” in large bright letters. The healthy choice between the two seems quite obvious. But how much value do these labels have? The word [...]

What Does Your Packaged Food Really Say2017-12-12T13:38:20+00:00