
The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Back Pain when Cycling


Riding style can cause lower back pain. Lower back pain may arise in beginners and cyclists that push big gears, especially while climbing. The angle of your back in relation to the bike can increase or decrease the strain on your back. Core strength is very important to avoid lower back pain. Any back rehabilitation [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Back Pain when Cycling2018-07-23T13:38:56+00:00

Should I Be Stretching?


As with most exercises or modalities, stretching is good, however the intent or your goal is the key to successfully achieving your objective. If you are stretching simple to lengthen a muscle because its tight, you won’t meet your objective of loosening that muscle.  For example, I can pull sideways on my head to stretch [...]

Should I Be Stretching?2018-07-18T10:34:20+00:00

Sciatica: What It Is, Common Causes, and How to Fix It


Do you have sharp, shooting back pain? Numb legs? Tingling feet? It could be sciatica. What Is Sciatica? Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain in the lower back, leg, and hip due to irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.  It is essentially an umbrella term for any radiation of pain down the back [...]

Sciatica: What It Is, Common Causes, and How to Fix It2018-04-06T13:04:15+00:00

The Top Text Neck Exercises


Text Neck is becoming a more prevalent cause for neck pain, back pain and headaches.  To find out more about what causes text neck click here. https://youtu.be/swAE060CdjY Try these exercises to prevent Text Neck: Neck Extension Upper Trap Stretch Shoulder Retraction Resisted Neck Flexion and Extension Levator Scapula Release Suboccipital Release Back Rotation If you [...]

The Top Text Neck Exercises2018-02-28T19:26:47+00:00

What Is Text Neck And How Do I Avoid It


What is Text Neck? We ve all been glued to our phone, tablet or other device.   The pain associated to prolonged use is nicknames "text neck".  It is a modern day overuse term resulting from prolonged watching or texting on your cell phone, tablet, or other device with your head in a flexed and [...]

What Is Text Neck And How Do I Avoid It2018-08-11T01:55:23+00:00

Selection The Best Mattress For Sleep Comfort


Mattress choice is a very personal matter. When people are looking to buy a new mattress or are even looking at their current mattress as a cause of back pain they often wonder what makes a good mattress.  You can imagine that lack of support can contribute to poor sleeping posture and put strain on [...]

Selection The Best Mattress For Sleep Comfort2017-12-15T03:15:09+00:00

Does Sitting Cause Back Pain?


Your spine is made of 24 vertebrae and 3 major curves, 2 in (lordosis) and 1 out (kyphosis). Together, your vertebra forms the spine. It supports that head and trunk, moves when you are standing or sitting, acts like a shock absorber, and protects the spinal cord. Between each vertebra are 3 joints that connect [...]

Does Sitting Cause Back Pain?2017-12-15T03:12:38+00:00

The History Of Squatting And How It Affects You


We’re not all created equal. Researchers from the University of Oxford studied bone and joint size as well as orientation over the span of the last 400 million years.  What does this mean for movement patterns such as reaching and squatting? Some common problems such as pain in the shoulder when reaching overhead, pain in [...]

The History Of Squatting And How It Affects You2017-12-12T13:37:44+00:00

The Keys To Taping


Taping has been a component of rehabilitation for many years. In recent years we have seen taping assist athletes in high profile sporting events such as the Olympics and professional sports such as baseball, basketball and golf. Many of these athletes wear colourful tape in well defined and sometimes intricate pattern, based on their dysfunction [...]

The Keys To Taping2017-12-12T13:34:37+00:00

Is Abdominal Bracing Important?


The spine is a complex structure that requires a combination of stability and mobility. Abdominal bracing gives the spine the stability that it needs when we have to transmit force through it. This involves isometric stiffening of the abdominal muscles, meaning contracting the muscle without it moving. This stiffening creates a criss cross mesh of [...]

Is Abdominal Bracing Important?2017-12-12T13:30:46+00:00