
Heat Vs. Cold Therapy


Hot and cold taps on a white background. Every day, patients ask me “What’s better, heat or cold?”, to which I ask them “Which do you find feels better?”. Almost every time their response correlated with the theoretical clinical choice. Cold Therapy Cold therapy increased vasoconstriction of the local blood vessels (decreased size [...]

Heat Vs. Cold Therapy2017-12-11T01:20:29+00:00

Shoe Selection


Wearing the appropriate shoe during a specific sporting activity can improve performance and comfort, and most importantly, prevent injuries. Sports can place a lot of stress on your feet, ankles, kness, hips and low back. For example, jumping can generate forces that are 3-5 times greater than a person’s body weight through their legs. Tips [...]

Shoe Selection2020-02-27T03:34:59+00:00

Posture And A Healthy Work Environment


As more and more of us are working office jobs, we have changed into a sitting population putting more stress on our bodies. As a society, we are sitting more and becoming increasingly sedentary. Chronic inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It [...]

Posture And A Healthy Work Environment2020-02-27T03:33:13+00:00

The Top 10 Tips To Safe Snow Shovelling


With the winter weather fast approaching, snow shoveling is inevitable. According to health care professionals, snow shoveling is one of the leading causes of back pain during the winter months. Shoveling out of that first storm doesn’t have to leave your back stiff, sore and in pain. Here are a few useful tips to prevent [...]

The Top 10 Tips To Safe Snow Shovelling2020-02-27T03:32:07+00:00

What Is TENS And How Does It Work?


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS for short, is a machine that transmits low voltage electrical impulses to the skin via surface electrodes.  It reduces pain by transmitting electric current through the skin.  It is best use when applied with a strong yet non-painful intensity.  But how does it work?  How does it do this? [...]

What Is TENS And How Does It Work?2020-02-27T03:31:09+00:00