The Dead Bug is an exercise designed to strengthen your core. It gets its funny name because when you perform it, you look like a dead bug lying on its back with its legs in the air. But despite its strange name, the exercise is neither complicated nor crazy. It is one of the simplest and best moves out there when it comes to strengthening your abs and core, without putting extra strain on your back.

* Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor

* Tighten your core and raise your bent legs so your knees are over your hips bringing both arms up halfway overhead

* It’s vital to get your back as flat against the floor as possible. You shouldn’t be able to get a hand in between your back and the floor, and you need to maintain this position.

* Move one arm up while straightening out the opposite leg, not letting it touch the floor

* Keep your core tight as you come back to the starting position

* Alternate sides

The dead bug might seem quite easy for the first couple of reps, but if you keep your core engaged, move slowly and avoid raising your back off the ground, you’ll be surprised how hard it is.


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