The single legged deadlift is a great tool that serves many purposes not only as an exercise, but also as a testing tool.
You can use it to:
* Improve one legged strength and hip control
* Improve trunk rotational control
* Improve range of motion
* Teach your brain how to control your hamstring range of motion

It is tempting to go fast with this movement. Don’t. Train this lift slow and controlled any depth you descend to in this lift you should be able to recover from under control.

The glutes should be activated when you are going through this movement to prevent too much lumbar extension.
Try this single leg deadlift test:

1. Stand on one foot
2. Bend forward at the waist with a slight knee bend
3. Do you have the same control and depth similar to a straight leg raise test?
4. Can you go the same depth on both sides?


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