Shoulder external rotation is a great way to help strengthen your shoulders after an injury or surgery. Start this exercise by pushing against a wall. As you get better at this, use a resistance band.

To perform shoulder external rotation with a resistance band:
1. Hold a resistance band in front of you with your thumbs up. Bend your elbows to about a 90 degree angle, and keep your elbows by your side.
2. Keep your wrists in a neutral position, pull the band outwards while keeping your elbows by your side. Slowly come back in. Be sure not the flair your elbow out.


ARC Health & Wellness offers patients in Toronto exceptional care with a personalized treatment plan to suit your specific needs. If you are suffering from pain or have recently experienced an injury, our Toronto Chiropractor will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy and love. Call us at (647) 504-4213 for an appointment today or use our online booking tool here to book a consultation.