Monthly Archives: February 2018

The Top Text Neck Exercises


Text Neck is becoming a more prevalent cause for neck pain, back pain and headaches.  To find out more about what causes text neck click here. Try these exercises to prevent Text Neck: Neck Extension Upper Trap Stretch Shoulder Retraction Resisted Neck Flexion and Extension Levator Scapula Release Suboccipital Release Back Rotation If you [...]

The Top Text Neck Exercises2018-02-28T19:26:47+00:00

What Is Text Neck And How Do I Avoid It


What is Text Neck? We ve all been glued to our phone, tablet or other device.   The pain associated to prolonged use is nicknames "text neck".  It is a modern day overuse term resulting from prolonged watching or texting on your cell phone, tablet, or other device with your head in a flexed and [...]

What Is Text Neck And How Do I Avoid It2018-08-11T01:55:23+00:00