If you’re serious about your sport, activity or personal performance but stiffness, sluggishness or injury have been preventing you from performing at 100% you need Performance Optimization.

Through biomechanical analysis and assessment of flexibility, form, technique, and strength, we determine the source and cause of your pain, or the physical limitation that is preventing

optimal performance. The goal is to eliminate your pain and restore your movement, as well as, to address faults in muscle balance and general strength. As your rehabilitation program progresses, we address sport specific strategies, maximize strength and power to develop explosive force and speed. An individualized program will be prescribed to include periodization, a realistic time frame for improvement and measurable goals and objectives.

As we age, especially if you participate in sports or rigorous exercise, our soft tissue develops scar tissue causing our bodies to be stiff and sluggish. Our Performance Optimization treatments utilize innovative and cutting-edge techniques to assess and break down this scar tissue preventing premature aging of your body.