Are you trying to master the Hip Hinge?

The goal is to get your hips to move without involving the spine. Using your anything that you have around such as a dowel, hockey stick, broom, golf club etc, place it on your back touching three points of contact: the back of the head, between your shoulder blades, and the sacrum (your bum). From there, simply hinge from your hips while keeping your torso in line with the dowel. You may find this difficult, but imagine pushing your hips back and pulling your torso down.
If at any point you lose contact with the dowel, you know you need to correct the movement, because the loss of contact means that you aren’t keeping a neutral spine through the movement.

The end goal is to be able to emulate the same pattern when you are doing any exercise that requires you to hinge from the hips or even tray to day tasks.

Here are three cues that can guide you through your hip hinge:
1. Keep your chest high at the beginning and end
2. Push your hips back as you bring your torso down
3. Squeeze your glutes as you come back up to a finish


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